this controversial 326 metre high elevator takes you up the side of one of the many enormous cliffs in zhangjiajie, china - the lower 1/3 running from a cavern through the rock, the top 2/3 rising outside to the summit - and is the highest and heaviest outdoor elevator in the world. the elevator has an uncertain future due to the potential harm caused to the surrounding landscape.

situated on santa justa street in lisbon is this incredible looking urban lift by the name of ‘elevador de santa justa’. built in 1900, the 45 metre elevator connects the downtown area of the city to the upper level whilst also giving a great view of the city from the top.

skytower elevator
if you even come close to filling your pants whilst travelling in an elevator i suggest that you never travel up or down the skytower in auckland, new zealand due to a glass section in the floor of the lift.

elevador lacerda
like the elevator in lisbon, this striking construction in salvador transports the public from one level of the town to the next, at the same time providing a perfect view of the bay coastline below.
apparently the elevator manages to carry approximately 28,000 people per day at a cost of r$0.05 per 38 second ride.
louvre elevator
the hydraulic elevator at the louvre in paris is one of only a few in the world. looking like something from a sci-fi film, the open-topped lift quietly and smoothly rises from the floor at the press of a button.
when it reaches the top, a walkway slides out and the doors open.
it probably cost an absolute fortune but who cares? it looks the business.
hammetschwand elevator
the hammetschwand elevator in switzerland has been the highest exterior elevator in europe since it’s construction 101 yrs ago and can climb the full 152 metres in less than a minute. at the top is an unobstructed view of lake lucerne and the alps. it may not be as high as the zhangjiajie elevator but as this doesn’t look half as sturdy i’d much rather make the ascent in china.
eiffel tower
due to the shape of the eiffel tower’s curved legs the addition of elevators was at first seen as too difficult a job by many engineers. nothing like it had been attempted.
these days there are duo-lift elevators running up and down each of the four legs, one of those legs selfishly reserved for customers of the restaurant at the top of the tower.
the paternoster lift was first developed in 1884 and there are a few still being used today. the system consists of a continuous chain of cabins moving at a slow speed without stopping - when you reach your floor you ’simply’ step off the lift while it’s still moving.
even if you miss your floor and get to the top of the chain the cabin will stay vertical and lift you over the top where you will start to descend on the other side.